Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dr. Tracy Ye & Doterra Essential Oils - Oregano keeps you warm on the sk...

Dr. Tracy Ye's Essential Oils that Warm You When You're Cold - CHINESE V...

CALL US NOW! (650) 558-8118 - Dr. Tracy Ye's Adventures in Acupuncture

i LOVE MAKING VIDEOS! and I really love the good that my clients feel when they leave the clinic feeling so much better than when they came in. Today, my client came in with a bad sinus infection. Within minutes of leaving the office after her acupuncture treatment, she called the front desk saying she couldn't wait for her next appointment! She had to schedule another right away! She had to schedule an appointment for her son and her husband! She was so happy she didn't have to pay for expensive antibiotics and wait for the prescription to work for her to feel better--she felt better right away! This is why I love what I do. This is why I say, "LOVE ME, LOVE MY ACUPUNCTURE!"

Dr. Tracy Ye's Adventures in Acupuncture: Acupressure Points for Skiing

Monday, February 8, 2016

Dr. Tracy Ye's Adventures in Acupuncture - Just goofing around!

Be a Lover - Not a Hater

Recently, someone who is not my client posted my first one star yelp review. It through me for a loop. After careful consideration, I wrote this response to his review:

2/3/2016  Hi, All audience of this review,

I do not have a patient named Jeremy from Hacienda Heights (southern California). My practice is in San Mateo, California (northern California). I don't believe this is a "real" review of my practice.

Here Mother Teresa said :

     People are unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.  Forgive them anyway.

           If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway.

           If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.  Succeed anyway.

          If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.  Be honest and sincere anyway.

           What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.  Create anyway.

           If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.  Be happy anyway.

           The good you do today, will often be forgotten.  Do good anyway.

        Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.  Give your best anyway.

        In the final analysis, it is between you and God.  It was never between you and them anyway.

Me, Dr. Tracy Ye, I say, "Be a lover, not a hater."

Anyone can write anything about a business in Yelp. It's super easy. But it's hard for a suffering patient to find a good doctor who really cares about them! So here is what I am telling myself every day: Be a lover, not a hater. And good is not good enough, be great. And I wake up each day determined to be a great doctor, who heals people and who cares about people.

To my dearest patients, you are the best in the world!

Appreciate your time!

Have you ever had someone misrepresent themselves and say bad things about you? How did you handle it? What did you do? 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Dr. Tracy Ye's Adventures in Acupuncture - The Year of the Monkey, Part 2

Dr. Tracy Ye's Adventures in Acupuncture - Yi Yi Ren - Year of the Monkey - Part 3

Yi Yi Ren


Little Red Bean & Job's Tears Congee

Water retention, overweight, weak digestion. People with high pressure lifestyles, lack of exercise and unhealthy diet can develop weaker digestion and wet spleen conditions.

Easy to digest and absorb for improving digestive health, diuretic and relieve internal dampness or water retention, lose weight, benefit heart and promote blood, fight summer heat and high humidity. 

  • Job's Tears (yi yi ren) 薏以仁/薏米 – half cup
  • Red bean 红小豆 – half cup
1.   Soak ingredients for one to two hours and rinse clean.
2.   Put all ingredients in a pot with 5 to 6 cups of water. Bring to boil and lower heat to cook until beans are soft (about 45 minutes). 
3.   Add sugar to serve if desire.

No restriction and is suitable for the whole family. It is best use a slow heat cooker or rice cooker with timer to cook overnight (adjust water accordingly) and be ready to eat with breakfast in the morning. It is also easier to cook a batch for 2 to 3 days, keep it in the fridge and warm up the right portion for each use.